Ciya puts you in front of the people you are looking for, when they are looking for you

Providing assistance to taxpayers during tax season.


The Office of the Tax Ombud wanted to solve an Awareness problem.

According to various internal research approaches, they found that majority of the South African public is not aware of the Tax Ombud, what it does, let alone why it even exist.


By leveraging CIYA, we found that although the public is not aware and does not speak about the Tax Ombud, they do however speak about Tax and related issues, especially during the tax season.

So during the tax season of Feb 2021, we ran a campaign introducing the Tax Ombud to people who were sharing their tax related challenges and connecting them to be assisted by the office of the Tax Ombud.

1) Using CIYA’s social listening power, we found organic conversations on Twitter where South Africans were seeking assistance with their taxes.

2) Once these conversations are found, CIYA suggests a relevant response and passes it on to a campaign moderator for vetting. These responses are always provided by the client, or recommended according to the objectives of the campaign.

3) CIYA then responds as the Tax Ombud leading to further engagement with the audience.

SASSA Answering inquiries concerning the SRD Grant.


SASSA experienced a delay in paying out grantees’ R370 SRD grants.

Grantees took to Twitter to vent their frustrations with SASSA, leading to extremely high levels of negative sentiment and an over-influx of queries that SASSA community managers could not manage on their own.


We used CIYA to help us detect all the negative conversations/comments about SASSA in relation to the SRD grant.

We then helped SASSA to find and respond to people that SASSA was trying to reach and assist.

Answering inquiries concerning the SRD Grant.

1) Using CIYA’s social listening power, we found organic conversations on Twitter where South Africans were seeking assistance with their taxes.

2) Once these conversations are found, CIYA suggests a relevant response and passes it on to a campaign moderator for vetting. These responses are always provided by the client, or recommended according to the objectives of the campaign.

3) CIYA then responds as the Tax Ombud leading to further engagement with the audience.